To the online home of the Southtowns Stars, a premier amateur hockey organization based only minutes south of Buffalo, NY


We're excited for another great year of Stars hockey and look forward to you joining us to continue a great tradition of amateur hockey in Western New York.

We invite you to checkout our latest news and other highlights on this page or use the navigation at the top of the page to find out anything you need about our organization. Thanks for visiting.


2025-2026 Southtowns Stars Tryout Info

Below is information about the tryouts for 2025-26 travel teams.
Reminder: There is a $25 tryout fee which must be paid to register for tryouts.

Tryouts will be held at Leisure RInks on the following two days:

Tuesday March 4th, 2025

Wednesday March 5th, 202

Please refer to the table below for details on the time and coach to contact about tryouts.

TeamCoachContactTryout Day 1
(Tues. March 4th)
Tryout Day 2
(Wed. March 5th)
8u Mite MinorCalder716-536-80524pm, Rink 14pm, Rink 2
8u Mite MajorShea/Sullivan716-909-61184pm, Rink 14pm, Rink 2
9u Squirt GreenHacic716-998-10395pm, Rink 15pm, Rink 2
9u Squirt GoldNytz716-523-93255pm, Rink 15pm, Rink 2
10u Squirt MajorTardif/Krtanjek716-310-98296pm, Rink 16pm, Rink 2
11u Peewee MinorSchneider716-572-38046pm, Rink 16pm, Rink 2
12u NTBKirst/Hacic716-998-10399pm, Rink 18pm, Rink 2
12u TBBogulski716-903-35149pm, Rink 19pm, Rink 2
Girls 10u MinorDrezek716-597-68657pm, Rink 17pm, Rink 2
Girls 10u MajorSkoney716-341-84127pm, Rink 17pm, Rink 2
Girls 12u GoldFlynn585-721-48478pm, Rink 17pm, Rink 1
Girls 12u GreenMason716-912-13018pm, Rink 17pm, Rink 1


2025-26 Travel Tryout Registration Open Now!

February 1, 2025

The Southtowns Stars are proud to announce the opening of our 2025-26 season tryouts.

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New Stars Logo and Uniforms

December 2, 2024

The Southtowns Stars are excited to announce the unveiling of a new logo and new uniforms. Please read a letter from the Southtowns Stars President, Bill Szewc, within and checkout a video of the uniform reveal!

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Support Girls Hockey: Recycle with the Stars

September 1, 2024

When returning bottles and cans to Consumers Beverages you can request the proceeds be applied to the G14U account. This is applicable at all 18 WNY stores. Thank you for supporting girl’s hockey!

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Have Stars news? Pics from a Stars event?

Help us share! Please reach out via email to socialmedia@southtownsstars.com.

Include the date(s), coach's name, level and a brief description of the photo. Keep an eye out for anything you share on our website, Instagram & Facebook.

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Stay up to date on the latest news, events and updates on our organization. Help us share the success of your Southtowns Stars team by tagging us in your posts!

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

We're excited to include you as part of the Southtowns Stars family. Click the "Find Out More" button to learn how you can support local youth hockey.