Check back soon for more Referee Info.
How-to: Schedule Referees for Home Games
- Teams are responsible for scheduling their own refs. Jerry Sprada from Buffalo Refs is our league scheduler for home game ref scheduling. Please email him your schedules (can be sent in a spreadsheet) as they are completed at and indicate the following in the email:
- Team Name/HC/Manager
- Age Classification (10U MOHL, 14UNTB, etc)
- Travel or MOHL
- Period lengths
- Date and time of game
- Who you're playing against
- You must also email Chris Roswell ( from Leisure. He will reserve the locker rooms.
- After a few days, please verify that your games are scheduled by visiting Use the following to login:
- username- jcione
- password- Stsrefs1$
- On the right side of the page is where you should see two referees scheduled for your game. If not, contact Jerry.
Referees Fees
MOHL Ref Cost per official 2024-2025 (Cash)
- 8u MOHL (12 min period) - $37
- 8u MOHL (15 min period) - $42
- 9u/10u MOHL (10-12-12) - $42
- 9u/10u MOHL (15 min period) - $47
- 11u/12u MOHL (12-12-15) - $48
- 11u/12u MOHL (15 min period) - $52
- 13u/14u MOHL (12 min period) - $55
- 13u/14u MOHL (15 min period) - $60
- 15u/16u/18u MOHL (15 min period) - $70
- 15u/16u/18u MOHL (17 min period, 1 ice cut) - $80
Travel Cost Per Official 2024 -2025:
- 8u Travel (12 min period) - $40
- 8u Travel (15 min period) - $45
- 9u/10u Travel (10-12-12) - $45
- 9u/10u Travel (15 min period) - $50
- 11u/12u Travel (12-12-15) - $53
- 11u/12u Travel (15 min period) - $57
- 13u/14u Travel (12 min period) - $60
- 13u/14u Travel (15 min period) - $65
- 15u/16u/18u Travel (15 min period) - $75
- 15u/16u/18u Travel (17 min period, 1 ice cut) - $85